
Export Contacts to Excel from your Mac and iPhone.How to Manage Favorite Contacts on Apple Watch using Infograph Face.Connect Your Contacts to the Apple Maps app.Two Workarounds to Delete Multiple Apple Contacts at Once.This tutorial assumes that you’ve turned on iCloud Contacts on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch ( Settings Apple ID > iCloud > Contacts). When you create a group contact using Contacts on, that group sync on all your devices signed in with the same Apple ID. You can organize your contacts by creating groups where you can collect several contacts under one name such as work, soccer team, or family. Once created, all you need to do is type in the name of that contacts group and all the names and related information magically populates! Click on the + (plus) sign and add another rule the same as above except for changing the email address to the user’s second email.Creating groups of contacts is a quick way to reach a bunch of people without having to add each contact into the To field one-by-one.Select From, contains, and enter the user’s first email address.Smart Mailbox Name – enter Emails from and then the person’s name. While on the Mailbox criteria screen, specify the rules as the following:.We assume the user has multiple email addresses and you want to put both into a single mailbox. All emails from that someone specific will be gathered in a single mailbox for you. This is the most used one, and you can set up a Smart Mailbox on Mac that will only contain emails from the user you define in the rules set. Create a Smart Mailbox For Emails From Someone Specific If you want to get started with the feature but can’t think of any good rules at the moment, the following usage examples might be useful to you.
However, on the other side, if your rules are too broad and haven’t been set up properly, you’ll find that sometimes even unwanted emails make their way into this Smart Mailbox.