It is noteworthy that Autodesk previously sought to trademark the DWG file format but failed, because it is widely used by other CAD software companies. The RealDWG library gives the developers access to code developed by Autodesk, which enables their respective software to read and write DWG. To use the DWG format, developers must pay license fees, which gives them access to the RealDWG library, or reverse engineer the format. The ensuing disagreements have even resulted in some legal battles. Unfortunately, it is a proprietary file format whose specifications Autodesk always guards, much to the chagrin of some developers and players in the CAD industry. Maintained and updated by Autodesk, the DWG file format is a popular vector file format used as the default file format in the AutoCAD software. What is a DWG File Format? History of DWG How to Convert DWG to G-code with Accurate Scaling: Step-by-Step Guide.

Importance of Converting DWG to G-code with Accurate Scaling.